The North American Research on Complex Societal Problems & Issues



The North American Research on Complex Societal Problems & Issues is a part of the International Research Group of Complex Societal Problems & Issues, which includes the Operational Research Euro Working  Group of Complex Societal Problems & Issues

Board of the North American Research on Complex Societal Problems & Issues:

 Dr Olga Petkova (Co-Chair ) Central Connecticut State University,  New Britain CT 06050, USA,

Dr D. Petkov (Co-Chair)  Eastern Connecticut State University, Willimantic, CT, USA

Prof. dr. Gary McIntyre BOYD      Concordia University , Montreal , Quebec, Canada ,

Dr . Dorien DeTombe, Greenhill & Waterfront Foundation, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Europe,,

 Dr. Henry Etzkowitz, State university of New York, New York, NY, USA,


 Research Goals of the  Research Group Handling Complex Societal Problems & Issues

1.     Multi-disciplinary theoretical research on combining existing methods for handling of all phases of the problem handling process of     complex societal problems & issues

2.      Creating new methods and tools to support complex societal problems & issues

3.      Testing methods and tools to support complex societal problems & issues

4.      Using existing methods and tools to support real life complex societal problems & issues

5.      Handling real life problems in order to improve the methodological knowledge




November 20-23 2004, Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference 

DSI 2004, Boston; Mini-Track: Complex Societal Problems

Location    : Boston, USA

Costs       : conference fee 

Deadline    : Refereed Papers: April 1, 2004

    Abstracts and Proposals: May 1, 2004

url        :


general DSI 2004:  see annual meeting Boston

      contact also:Dr D. Petkov,Associate Professor in MIS,

Eastern Connecticut State University

see also: minitrack DSI 2004 Boston


Methodology for Handling Complex Societal Problems & Issues


Handling complex societal problems needs a special approach. Handling societal problems in an interdisciplinary way has become a must for our society and a challenge for the human sciences. The problems society is confronted with are difficult to handle. There is a growing gap between the complexity of these problems and the human capacity to deal with them. There is a need for better methods and tools, more knowledge and imagination. Scientific knowledge is needed to survive amidst these problems.

Therefore methodology for analyzing complex societal problems has become a new field of scientific attention. Some of the scientific reasons for this special approach are that the problems are seldom defined, change during their development, many actors are involved often with a different view on the problem, with different interest and with different ‘solutions’ in mind. Societal reasons for this special approach is the importance of these problems for society, the impact they have on many people, and the large amount of money involved. Combining the effort of scientists who are working in this field is an inspiring serious challenge from the perspective of a number of disciplines. To combine existing knowledge and creating new insights with methods and tools for supporting complex societal problems is a challenge for scientists from different fields.

Together with the Dutch Nosmo Research Group on Methodology for Handling Complex Societal Problems, the Euro Working Group 21 on Methodology for Handling Complex Societal Problems, and the International Society on Methodology for Handling Complex Societal Problems, the goal of the West-Euro group 21 on Methodology for Handling Complex Societal Problems is to increase and to combine the available scientifical knowledge regarding the handling of complex  societal problems. Means to reach this goal are organizing workshops and conferences, publishing proceedings and books in which the discussion on this subject can take place.


Keywords: Methodology; Handling Societal Problems, Complex Problems, Complex Issues


For information on the  North American Research on Complex Societal Problems & Issues ;

Dr Olga Petkova Co-Chair

Associate Professor in MIS, School of Business,

Central Connecticut State University

1615, Stanley Street New Britain CT 06050, USA

tel.: 1 860 832 3278



Dr D. Petkov Co-Chair
Associate Professor MIS, Dept of Business Administration,
Eastern Connecticut State University, 83 Windham Street
Willimantic,CT 06226,USA
tel 1 860 465 0264;   fax 1 860 465 4469


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Structure & Goal Research Groups on Complex Societal Problems & Issues


Books of Complex societal Problems & Issues &

Abstracts Books of conference presentations



Year reports research groups

Agenda's of Research Meetings


Become a member of the research groups?


 Methods of Complex Societal Problems & Issues: COMPRAM


For direct policy support in handling Complex Societal Problems & Issues

Foundation Greenhill & Waterfront


General corresp. address:

Dr. Dorien J. DeTombe, President

Chair International - , Euro - , West-Euro- & Dutch Operational Research Research Group Complex Societal Problems & Issues

P.O. Box. 3286, 1001 AB Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Europe Tel: +31 20 6927526  E-Mail:


©Dorien J. DeTombe, All rights reserved, update March 2004