Call for Papers  on Methodology for Complex Societal Problems & Issues


RC33 August 17-20 2004 Amsterdam


Dorien DeTombe


Join the paper session of  Complex  Societal Problems & Issues.


The sessions of Complex Societal Problems includes all kinds of methodology and tools that can be directly applied for handling Complex Societal Problems.

The scientific research group Methodology for Complex Societal Problems focuses on methods and tools for analyzing, structuring, guiding and evaluating complex societal problems.

Complex societal problems are mostly policy problems like the recent difficulties in the Agro-industry (Mad-Cow disease, BSE; Foot- and Mouth disease; Fowl Plague), the issues of transportation, the healthcare problems (Malaria, HIV/AIDS, Sars) and the Water problems.

Complex societal problems are unstructured, dynamical and constantly changing, have a large impact on society on macro, meso and on micro level.

Handling complex societal problems needs a special interdisciplinary approach. The content knowledge comes from content experts. The process knowledge comes from facilitators. The attention of the research group is on the methods and tools facilitators need for supporting these kinds of problems. The facilitators use methods specially created for the field of societal problems combined with methods and insights derived from their original field like medicine, law, economics, societal sciences, methodology, mathematics, computer sciences, technology, engineering sciences, chaos theory and operational research.


Keywords: Methodology, Complex Societal Problems, DSS, GDSS, Facilitator, Virus


Please reply  before 15th of March 2004 (abstract) to Dorien J. DeTombe and the conference organizers


Dr. Dorien J. DeTombe

Chair Operational Research Euro Working Group Complex Societal Problems


 P.O. Box. 3286, 1001 AB Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Europe

Tel: +31 20 6927526


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 Methods of Complex Societal Problems & Issues: COMPRAM


For direct policy support in handling Complex Societal Problems & Issues

Foundation Greenhill & Waterfront


General corresp. address:

Dr. Dorien J. DeTombe, President

Chair International - , Euro - , West-Euro- & Dutch Operational Research Research Group Complex Societal Problems & Issues

P.O. Box. 3286, 1001 AB Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Europe Tel: +31 20 6927526  E-Mail:


©Dorien J. DeTombe, All rights reserved, update February  2004