Art Lecture at the Nosmo Methodology day March  9 2007 University of Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands, Europe

Photographs of Katrina Victims

Diederik Meijer, Photographer Amsterdam, Europe E-mail

Diederik Meijer, Dutch photographer, will show his art work of the victims of the Katrina disaster in New Orleans USA September 2005. 

The photographs are published in 2007 in the Foam museum Amsterdam

The art lecture is part of the program of  Methodology of Societal Complexity.



Dr. Dorien  DeTombe (MSc.Ph.D.)

Chair International Research Society on Methodology of Societal Complexity

P.O. Box. 3286, 1001 AB Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Europe

Tel: +31 20 6927526

E-Mail: ;




©Dorien J. DeTombe, All rights reserved, first announced February  2007