Year report 2001 

Euro Working Group on Complex Societal Problems


In the year 2001 the Euro Working Group on Complex Societal Problems organized six international meetings. Four meetings were organized together with the Dutch NOSMO research group on Complex Societal Problems and the West-Euro group on Complex Societal Problems. These meetings took place in Amsterdam (twice) Maastricht and Brussels. At the meetings research was discussed by presenting papers, and research cooperation was discussed, which resulted in an international and methodological comparison on the subject of ‘The Complexity of Large Cities’. In the summer two international conferences were co-organized by the Euro Working Group on Complex Societal Problems.

One international conference, organized together with the Dutch NOSMO research group on Complex Societal Problems and the Dutch NOSMO research group on Simulation was dedicated to the role of simulation models in handling Complex Societal Problems at the EUROSIM2001. The conference took place in June 2001 in Delft University of Technology, Delft The Netherlands (two tracks, 5 sessions).

The other international conference in the summer took place in Rotterdam on the EURO 2001 in The Netherlands (six tracks, 18 sessions). Of each conference a special booklet was published with the abstracts of the paper presenters (abstracts books of conference presentations  below).


Agenda's of Research Meetings


Research groups on Complex Societal Problems


Year reports research groups


Abstracts books of conference presentations




Goal research groups on Complex Societal Problems


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See for information about  methods of Complex Societal Problems COMPRAM



For direct policy support in handling Complex Societal Problems  Foundation Greenhill & Waterfront


Corresp. address:


Dr. Dorien J. DeTombe, Ph.D.

Chair Operational Research Euro Working Group Complex Societal Problems

P.O. Box. 3286, 1001 AB Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Europe

Tel: +31 20 6927526




Ó Dorien J. DeTombe, All rights reserved, update February 2002