Euro Working Group Methodology for Complex Societal Problems Review 1998
Dr. Dorien J. DeTombe, Ph.D.
Chair Operational Research Euro Working Group Complex Societal Problems
P.O. Box. 3286, 1001 AB Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Europe
Tel: +31 20 6927526 E-Mail:
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The interest for the Euro Working Group 21 Methodology for Analyzing Complex Societal Problems is steadily growing. In July 1998 on the Euro XVI conference in Brussels we had three days of continue discussions of the subject of the working group. The discussion were very inspiring for all of us. We were very glad that we could invite 18 paper presenters in the Brussels sessions. The number of members of the Euro Working Group 21 is still growing. A special attention deserves the work of dr. Timi Ecimovic (SEM Institute for Climate Change University of Ljubljana, Slovenia) who has erected a very active Slovenia subgroup of the Euro Working Group 21, and to dr. Cathal Brugha (University College Dublin, Ireland ) who has formed a special subgroup on Decision Making on our topic.
The members of the Euro Working Group 21 come from different fields and are work at different universities. There is a high degree of activity and interaction amongst the members of the group. Having a growing membership is needed, because the problems society is confronted with are difficult to handle and there is a growing gap between the complexity of these problems and the human capacity to deal with them. There is a need for better methods and tools, more knowledge and imagination. Scientific knowledge is needed to survive amidst these problems.
Handling complex societal problems needs a special approach. Handling societal problems in an interdisciplinary way has become a must for our society and a challenge for the human sciences.
Methodology for analyzing complex societal problems has become a new field of scientific attention. Some of the scientific reasons for this special approach are that the problems are seldom defined, change during their development, many actors are involved often with a different view on the problem and with different ‘solutions’ in mind.
Societal reasons for this special approach is the importance of these problems for society, the impact they have on many people, and the large amount of money involved.
Combining the effort of scientists who are working in this field is an inspiring serious challenge from the perspective of a number of disciplines. Combining existing knowledge and creating new insights with methods and tools for supporting complex societal problems is a challenge for scientists from different fields.
The goal of the Euro Group 21 on Methodology for Complex Societal Problems is to increase and to combine the available scientific knowledge regarding the handling of complex societal problems. Means to reach this goal are organizing workshops and conferences, and publishing proceedings and books in which discussion on this subject can take place.
Special sessions and conferences organized on the subject Methodology for Complex Societal Problems are in 1998:
Euro XVI Operational Research. Brussels, Euro Working Group 21 Methodology for Analyzing Societal Problems July 1998
14th International Sociology Conference, Montreal, Canada, July 1998
Simulation. Simulation in Industry Conference, Nottingham, UK, October 1998.
See for review 1999 Euro Working Group Complex Societal Problems
See for presentations Euro Working Group Complex Societal Problems
See for more information on the NOSMO Research Group Complex Societal Problems
See for more information West_Euro Research Group Complex Societal Problems
See for more information Euro Working Group Complex Societal Problems
See for more information Research Groups on Complex Societal Problems
How to become a member of the Euro Working Group on Complex Societal Problems