Master Class

Introductie Maatschappelijke Complexiteit

maatschappelijk beleid voor complexe problemen



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twee dagdelen  Master Class


 Prof. Dr. Dorien DeTombe


Doel Masterclass:

Introductie van de theorie en de praktijk van de methodologie voor politiek beleid voor complexe maatschappelijke problemen, de Compram Methodologie. Onderwerpen als immigranten, verkiezingen, terrorisme, klimaatverandering, vervuiling en verkeersinfarcten.

Hoe ziet het probleem eruit en hoe kan je er iets aan doen?


Taal: Nederlands

Literatuur: Engels

this course can on demand be given in English



In deze korte introductie cursus maakt u kennis met beleid maken voor complexe maatschappelijke problemen. Problemen zoals de vluchtelinge problematiek, terrorisme, Klimaat verandering en verkeersopstoppingen. Hoe analyseer je deze problemen en hoe maak je er beleid voor,

Na een dag (twee dagdelen) bent u instaat deze problemen te herkennen en weet u wat er aan gedaan kan worden en door wie.



Beleidsmakers, gemeente, provincie  en overhead, managers en studenten.

Ook interessant voor studenten op het gebied van Methodologie, Sociologie, Politicologie, Gezondheidskunde en Landbouwkunde.



Een dag of twee middagen


Georganiseerd door:

 LLC (BV) International Institute Societal Complexity Europe (IISCE)

Greenhill & Waterfront International Scientific & Development Institute

on Complex Societal problems

in samenwerking met

Operational Research Euro Working Group on Methodology of Societal Complexity

International Research Society on Methodology of Societal Complexity

Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Europe

Tel: +31 20 6927526  E-Mail:






Introduction to Methodology for Societal Complexity:

The Compram Methodology


Complex societal problems are difficult to handle because of their complexity. They need a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach. A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods is needed to analyze these complex societal problems and make sustainable decisions.

In the course the main ideas of the theory for handling complex societal problems will be explained with an introduction to the methodology COMPRAM (Complex Problem Handling Method, DeTombe, 1994; 2009; 2015). Questions posed are:

What are complex societal problems. What have the different complex societal problems all in common. What is the reason these problems need a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach. Why should these kinds of problems be handled in co-operation, such as which groups of experts and actors. What are the basic approaches for complex societal problems. What is the role of knowledge, power and emotion in handling complex societal problems. What combination of qualitative and quantitative methods are needed to handle these problems. What is the role of system thinking, system-dynamics, and chaos theory in the theory of complex societal problems.

Compram methodology can be applied for all kind of policy problems like climate change, transport, sustainable development, healthcare, economy, and global safety.


The Compram methodology is a scientific methodology for handling complex societal problems in a transparent and structured way. Handling means analyzing, policymaking, decision making, guiding and evaluating interventions. The Compram methodology is developed by DeTombe (1994-2019). Most problem handling methods focus on a part of the problem handling process; the Compram methodology, however, focuses on the whole spectrum of the problem handling process.

Knowledge and applications on Methodology of Societal Complexity, on the Compram Methodology. Combination of quantitative and qualitative methods and tools are instructed for learning to handle complex societal problems


Field of application: Methodology, Policy Making, Healthcare, Agriculture, Sustainable Development, Climate Change, Global Safety



Prof. dr.  Dorien DeTombe (MSc.Ph.D.)

Founder and Chair International Research Society on Methodology of Societal Complexity

Sichuan University, Chengdu, P.R. China

Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Europe

Tel: +31 20 6927526 

E-Mail :





€ 680,- per persoon


DeTombe, Dorien (2015) Handling Societal Complexity. A Study of the Theory and the Methodology  Societal Complexity and the COMPRAM Methodology , Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer Verlag. ISBN/EAN  978-3-662-43916-6; 550 pag. winkelwaarde € 137,79.

-Syllabus Societal Complexity DeTombe


Example of an article of the Compram methodology


DeTombe, Dorien J. (2001) Compram, a Method for Handling Complex Societal Problems In DeTombe, Dorien J. (Guest Editor) Feature Issue: Complex Societal Problems, European Journal of Operation Research; D.J. Slowinski, R. Teghem, J. Wallenius, J. (Eds). Vol. 128-2, January 16, 2001, Elsevier, North-Holland, Amsterdam, ISSN 0377-2217, , pp. 266-282



Info: Prof. Dr. Dorien DeTombe

LLC (BV) International Institute Societal Complexity Europe (IISCE)

Greenhill & Waterfront International Scientific & Development Institute on Complex Societal problems

International Research Society on Methodology of Societal Complexity

Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Europe

Tel: +31 20 6927526





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ÓGreenhill & Waterfront , All rights reserved, Amsterdam, web page first published November 2003,  update March 2019, Kamer van Koophandel nr 34160838