State of the Art Workshop Societal Complexity


a workshop related to EURO XXIII / EUROPT / EURO ORD EUROMSC


Bonn 2009


Mutual session organized by Chairs of   Euro Working Groups of

Or and Developing Countries,  Ethics,  Methodology of Societal Complexity, Optimization and Decision Making


organized by

Prof. dr. Dorien DeTombe

Prof. dr. Cathal Brugha

Prof. dr. Gerhard –Wilhelm Weber


Sunday, July 5th 2009, 10 a .m. till 1 p.m. in Remagen near Bonn.

seminar room C018

Fachhochschule Koblenz

RheinAhrCampus Remagen

Suedallee 2

D-53424 Remagen  


See Book of Abstracts Bonn 2009 of  State of the Art Workshop Societal Complexity

See Report Bonn 2009 of  State of the Art Workshop Societal Complexity


Chair of Euro Working Groups on 

Or and Developing Countries,  Ethics,  Methodology of Societal Complexity, Optimization and Decision Making give an overview of their field, of recent research and discussion on future research and problematic questions in their field  


You'll find the travel information on the Europt homepage (


for info :

Dorien  DeTombe

Chair International Research Society on

Methodology of Societal Complexity

P.O. Box. 3286, NL-1001 AB Amsterdam , The Netherlands , Europe

Tel: +31 20 6927526


Dr. Dorien  DeTombe

Chair International Research Society on Methodology of Societal Complexity

P.O. Box. 3286, 1001 AB Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Europe

Tel: +31 20 6927526

E-Mail: ;





©Dorien J. DeTombe, All rights reserved, first created  June 2009 updated September2009