Report on Methodology of Societal Complexity of the RC33 in Naples Italy Europe in 2008


Dr Dorien DeTombe (MSc. Ph.D.)

Chair International Research Society on Methodology Societal Complexity,

P.O. Box. 3286, 1001 AB Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Europe

Tel: +31 20 6927526   Email:


Report of the session on Methodology of Societal Complexity: Global Safety & Sustainable Development & Healthcare organized by Dorien DeTombe & Rosanna Memoli organized by the International Research Society on Methodology of Societal Complexity in cooperation with the Euro working Group on Methodology of Societal Complexity and La Sapienza Univeristy in Rome, Italy on the 7th International conference on Social Science methodology of RC33 in Naples, Italy Europe on September 1-5 2008.

The International Research Society on Methodology of Societal Complexity organizes yearly several special sessions on different conferences among them the Euro conferences on Operational Research. Operational Research can be regarded as the methodology research field attended by researchers coming from mathematics and technical universities. See for the yearly meetings on the field of methodology of societal complexity

  On the RC33 the International Reseach Society on Methodology of Societal Complexity organized together with the La Sapienza Univeristy in Rome , Italy a small meeting of six presenters.

  The session started with an interesting presentation of José G. Hernández from the Universidad Metropolitana in Caracas Venezuela , a research report on group decision policy on societal problems prepared together with María J. García, who was also attending the session.

This presentation was followed by an interesting presentation from Rosanna Memoli of the La Sapienza Univeristy in Rome on the use of neural network in a multi method context on reseach on the subject of a model for the evaluation of an university system. This research work was prepared by R. Memoli together with B. Baldazzi, S.Bovadilla, A.Cinti, M. Pantoja, A.Passero, and S. Zicari. Of these persons Anastasia Cinti was also attending the session.

The third presentation, by Dorien deTombe of the International Reseach Society on Methodology of Societal Complexity in Amsterdam , explained the center subject of the field of Methodology of Societal Complexity the Compram methodology using the issue of climate change as an example of handling a complex societal problem.

The presentations of thirty minutes each, were closed by a very interesting presentation on children born of war by Ingvill C. Mochmann. This research reflects on children born out of rape or short love affairs between local women and the occupying or helping soldiers in a war situation. Problems that occur in every war situation among them reflected in Bosnia , Africa and also in Europe in the last years of the Second World War. These children have a difficult identity. See

The researcher, coming from a different field, explained that she attended the conference because she wanted to learn more about the methodology of societal complexity in casu the Compram methodology of DeTombe in order to use this methodology to handled the problems of children born of war.

Two presenters, located in the weak currency countries India and Oekrain, were due to funding problems not able to attend the conference in person. Unfortunately funding was not possible. However we do appreciate their effort to contribute and are happy with their contribution on forehand. Both researchers informed the organization on forehand that they were not able to attend.

Although the session on Methodology of Societal Complexity was not scheduled on an optimal time slot, it was the last session of the conference planned together with a popular plenary session, there were seventeen attenders. There were vivid and interesting presentations and discussions. The four papers that were presented were all well prepared and nicely presented.

As a result of the conference an Italian Research Group is established on the subject of Methodology of Societal Complexity coorganized by Prof. dr. Rosanna Memoli La Sapienza Univeristy in Rome, Italy and Prof. dr  Masimo Ampola the University of Pisa.

Many researchers joined the International Research Society on Methodology Societal Complexity. In order to become a member see:

  During the RC33 conference, which was pleasantly and nicely organized by Simona Balbi from Italy together with the board of RC33 and the local organization committee, there were many discussions on the subject of Methodology of Societal Complexity.

Parts of the session of the Methodology of Societal Complexity is recorded on video. Based on the abstracts of the session on Methodology of Societal Complexity of the RC33 conference in Naples a booklet is publised : Dorien DeTombe & Rosanna Memoli (2008) Methodology of Societal Complexity: Global Safety & Sustainable Development & Healthcare the 7th International conference on Social Science methodology of RC33 in Naples, Italy Europe on September 1-5 2008 Volume 17 Publisher: Greenhill & Waterfront, Europe: Amsterdam , The Netherlands ; Guilford , UK North-America: Montreal , Canada  ISBN/EAN  9789077171271 see:


© Dorien J. DeTombe, All rights reserved, first published September 2008